The discrete inputs supports any sensor with a Voltage (0-10V), or Current (0-30mA) output. This covers almost any type of industry standard sensor type for things like pressure, humidity, CO/CO2, temperature, level, flow, force, position, current etc. Some sensors require signal conditioning or an amplifier to provide a usable output.
Pulse meters are also supported directly on the discrete inputs. The ezeio will both count the number of pulses, and the time between the pulses (in ms). This makes it possible to monitor for example both energy and power from a standard pulse Wattmeter. Other meter types commonly using pulse output are gas meters, water meters and other flow meters.
There are many sensors and meters that are compatible with the Modbus standard protocol, such as Watt (energy) meters, thermostats, humidity sensors and thermostats.
The Microlan bus allows easy expansion with temperature probes. The probes are factory calibrated to be accurate to 0.5C.
Select models of the ezeio has a built-in wireless transceiver that works with wireless expansion modules from eze System. See here for more information.